Who Says Battleship isn’t a Math Game?

While we were waiting for Scott’s amazing Enchilada’s to finish cooking, we played our standard, challenging, wonderful math games at the table.

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After dinner, Ben went out to the shop with his dad to work on his Motorcycle which just got back from the shop. For a boy who loves nothing more, I do not believe, than his motorcycle, it has been an incredible hardship to have the bike in the shop for the last several weeks. When we do our Gratitude Lists before bed (nearly) every night, Bean and I each try to come up with something new to be grateful for – for each of the 5 line items. Ben comes up with three new ones, then his number 4 is always, “Super Awesome Parents,” and number 5 is always, “My Motorcycle.” He has started just saying, “And you know what 5 is,” as he’s reading them out to us.

Bean and I stayed inside and played Battleship, because he is definitely all about playing games. He had pulled this one off the shelf. Just being able to read a graph, and call out which area of the map you want to blow up, is a math skill. Here he is congratulating himself that he hit one of my ships.


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