Picnic Tree

In the dverse poets pub tonight, the topic is trees and Under The Canopy, which fills me with love and light. That is what we do! We care for trees. (A memory from long ago when I was in school – and now I have my own!)


Across a field from the dorms, a hike,

up a hill, and lost, or nearly,

we trudged until we found again

the Picnic Tree.

Vast, enormous, with perches

and arms outstretched to hold us,

tuck us in, and secure us

as we lounged, draped all around

and up and down that tree.

Five girls at a time, or more, each

with a snack, and a daydream,

a crush to speak of in code.

There was never a wind, a hush

surrounded us. The forest listened

and held our secrets dear;

looked into our hearts, our longings,

whispered promises over us

of someday, our own.

3 thoughts on “Picnic Tree

  1. nice….i love places like that…we pretty much lived in trees as kids…and created a lot of memories there as well…i need to pack a picnic and head to the trees (when the snow is gone, ha.)

  2. this is so charming… and i wonder about the many many secrets that the trees on this globe carry… thanks for the smile.. we used to climb cherry trees when i was a kid…and at least in spring, they were picnic trees as well…smiles

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