Chance of Frost Tonight – But we are So Close to Planting!

It seems completely crazy to me that our friends back in Fresno are having Hot, Hot days, and their gardens have already been in the ground for months. I only have starts in my laundry room, and we are just now digging up the weeds that have been covering the garden all winter. Scott got the plow out on some of the rows – but … Continue reading Chance of Frost Tonight – But we are So Close to Planting!


Last year’s Super Garden was basically our first. Yes, we dove right in. We had done some raised boxes in California, but didn’t get the soil right, so everything bloomed and then died. Last year’s harvest was spectacular, and completely overwhelming, when we started getting everything canned. I was canning before work, and after work, and on weekends. By the time we had finished, we … Continue reading Garden~Palooza

Dinosaurs and Dragons in the Garden

Of all the garden books I have, this one has become my favorite. More than anything, it is a poetic journey into the soil and into the very heart of how things grow. Most of my other books have lots of pictures, and how-to elements. This one speaks to my soul, and my heart. I routinely finish reading with tears in my eyes, reminded again … Continue reading Dinosaurs and Dragons in the Garden