Calvin & Hobbes… Erm… I mean… Ben & Bean

This weekend, in fairly typical fashion, Ben created about a bazillion new paper-craft projects. His imagination never stops. I spoke to Bean about doing a project with him every day when he gets home from Kindergarten. It dawned on me that Ben has always been able to come up with ideas for projects on his own. I never have to give him any direction whatsoever; … Continue reading Calvin & Hobbes… Erm… I mean… Ben & Bean

“Turn thou Hitherward” – Weekly Wrap-up

Our first week in to this Old-School Homeschool style has been a total blast. We are completely focused on art projects, and giving Ben something to do with his hands while we tuck the actual educational necessities around the edges. I even created a little weekly overview worksheet for lesson planning – with the giant Art Circle in the center to help me stay tuned … Continue reading “Turn thou Hitherward” – Weekly Wrap-up