In Proportion, Always, to the Capacity for Delight

“The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.”

Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

We all have the capacity for exhaustion, depletion, frustration, sigh, all the hard things. We also, every one of us, has the capacity for delight – if we are able to pay attention.

We can absolutely get bogged down in the heaviness of life, the workload, the never-ending list of things to do. We can also, have fun in the process of busyness if we are able to examine the beauty of our surroundings, or the beauty of the hearts around us, or the beauty of one single thing, one tiny flower coming up through gravel or concrete.

It is a mindset of wonder. A mindset of appreciation. A mindset of looking for the beauty in the midst of everything else. A mindset determined to enjoy, to be swept away, to see the magic where no one else does.

Cover Photo by Kevin Schmidt on Unsplash

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